Friday, 16 February 2018

Monitoring Student Performance

Proving to students that they are improving has always been a challenge for teachers and schools. However, there are ways to tackle this age old problem.

Entrance Tests

Before starting a course, students should take a short placement test to discover their level. However this kind of test is limited and to test productive skills we recommend students complete a short essay before arrival. Feedback can be given during induction on the first day. To complete the entrance tests, students should take a five minute speaking test and be given feedback on their ability at the start of their course.

Regular Testing

Whether it is weekly or fortnightly, regular progress tests and tutorials need to happen and the results stored for both teacher and student to refer to. This is also a vital opportunity for students to tell teachers how they feel about their classes and for the school to respond to changing needs.
Remember: your feedback matters!

Exit Tests

If possible, it is a great idea for students to do quick grammar, writing and speaking tests at the end of the course. This allows quick and simple comparison with the tests done at the beginning of the course. If all goes well, we should be able to prove to our students how much they have improved!

At ELA-Edinburgh we employ all of these tactics to give our students the best possible service. Judging from our happy students, it seems to be working!

Monday, 5 February 2018

Paper or Computer?

For many people taking a Cambridge English Exam, the most important decision is whether to do the exam on paper or on computer. Here are some of the reasons why more and more candidates are taking Computer Based (CB) exams for KET, PET, FCE, CAE and CPE.

1) Listening.

Make sure your exam isn't hard to hear
One thing all candidates fear is poor sound quality in their listening exam. There are many stories of one pair of speakers for 100 candidates and a hall full of echos. With the CB exam each candidate has their own pair of headphones to ensure sound is crystal clear and at the perfect volume.

2) Writing

If you're worried that your handwriting isn't neat enough for the examiner to read the CB exam is for you. Setting out and organising your writing is a lot easier on a computer where you work automatically appears relatively neat and tidy.

3) Crowds

As every candidate must have their own computer in CB exams, numbers are limited so centres are less crowded and less stressful on exam days. It's an altogether less stressful way to sit your exam!

4) Results

We all know that waiting for exam results can drive you mad and with paper based (PB) exams you'll be waiting 4-6 weeks!!With the CB exam you'll have your result in around 2 weeks, a crucial difference if your entrance to university or job application depends on the result.

It's important to remember that PB and CB exams are exactly the same exam presented in a different way. The speaking format is identical for PB and CB. At ELA-Edinburgh our newly refurbished Exam Centre offers you great conditions for CB exams from A2 to C2.

Our newly refurbished exam centre