Saturday, 2 December 2017

Supporting Equal Opportunities in English Language Teaching

In the English as a Foreign Language education sector, the most common cause for concern, is the 
unfair policy towards non-native speakers as English language teachers.

In English language teaching, many would probably agree, that there are great advantages to employing both native and non-native English speakers; both bring strengths to the classroom. Native speakers are normally great sources of vocabulary, whilst non-native teachers often have a stronger grasp of grammar, than a newly qualified native speaker. 

Ultimately, these pros and cons cancel each other out, and all we are left with is the individual qualities and characteristics of the teachers. This is what can truly make a difference a students learning experience, what really matters is the connection they developed with a teacher; one who exudes a genuine interest and passion for their work, over the source of their English skills. 

On reaching this conclusion, a school might find conflict with clients or parents who have strong views on what is best for them, and their children. From personal experience at private language schools, it has been the clients who were most resistant to non-native teachers, as there is an assumption in many countries that native is best. 

Perhaps, when put in this position, it is the duty of the school to remain in support of their non-native colleagues and it is the prerogative of an organisation to employ those they deem most suitable for the job. After-all, there is an implied and automatic trust on behalf of the client, in the school's judgement to employ the best and most appropriate teaching staff. 

For schools seeking accreditation, priorities are unfailingly awarded to qualifications over the origin of a teachers mother tongue, by accreditors or government bodies. 

At our Academy, we uphold equal opportunities among our teaching staff and are lucky to have a supportive mix of native and non-native teachers, which adds balance and value to our team. We are proud to be an equal opportunities employer, and this is something we will continue to promote through our place in the industry. 

ELA-Edinburgh is a supporter of TEFL Equity Advocates. Set up in 2014 to speak out for equal professional opportunities in ELT. The organisation campaigns to encourage schools and organisations to establish supportive and fair employment policies. +44 (0)131 226 6182 

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